Thursday, February 27, 2014

Older Dogs - Keeping it Golden


Older Dogs - Freedom from Hunger, Pain and Fear

Rather than run the usual gamut of pup thru adolescent thru training thru basic vet care thru senior years, let's review a life with dogs in reverse, and tenderly.

One of the wonderful things about dog management is that in having a dog, we are giving ourselves the gift of caring for another life; and we therefore can guarantee, to a greater extent than a human can guarantee another human, that the life in our hands need experience only happiness, contentment, tranquility, and joy. We can really make sure that our older dogs enjoy their "golden years" free from hunger, pain and fear.

Dogs experience aging differently than we do, as they do not view their own processes in an emotional context. A dog, for example does not worry about its own aging. It never looks in the mirror and whispers, "Geez, what happened?" Our dogs don't sit around worrying about how long they will be able to see or hear, nor do they mourn impairments as they occur. In this way, our dogs experience less of the pain of aging than we do. Equally, when an old dog is seated or lying comfortably, it is comfortable. It does not worry about how stiff it may be when it arises. Your dog's ability to think about one thing at a time and not create a negative future in its mind, allows us good options in managing quality of life. 

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